Didáctica de la ortografía: la gamificación como herramienta de aprendizaje

Spelling didactics: gamification as a learning tool

  • Estela Maritza Imigo Gueregat Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Bárbara N. Bórquez Silva Universidad Austral de Chile


us bibliographic references and research, we have carried out an analysis of the teaching and learning of spelling. The purpose of this text is to propose that spelling teaching techniques should not follow the old traditionalist patterns that governed it and that, for the most part, are still used today, but should adopt new models based on innovative didactic strategies. It is for this reason that it considers gamification as the most effective way to approach the didactics of spelling, focusing on constructivist notions and the development of meaningful learning, which favors the teaching-learning process and, in addition, provides benefits both for teachers and students, thus resignifying this normative system that for years has been considered difficult or tedious to teach and understand.


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