Nivel y percepciones sobre el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas en una lengua extranjera de estudiantes de Pedagogía Media en Inglés de último año en modalidad virtual en tiempos de COVID-19

Levels and Perceptions about the Linguistic Skills Development in a Foreign Language of Seniors Students from an English Teaching Program taught online in COVID-19 Times.

  • Estela Maritza Imigo Gueregat Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Soledad Sandoval Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Victor Peña Universidad de Los Lagos


The impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has become an important research object in the context of L2 learning, especially in teacher training. Under these circumstances, this paper presents the results of a study that describes the level and perception about linguistic skills development in a sample of 12 students from an English Teaching program in their senior year, under the online lessons model. Using a qualitative paradigm, the results from an APTIS test and a Google Forms survey were analyzed. The results revealed that the most significantly developed skills were the productive ones in L2; however, the students’ perception is that their receptive skills grew the most instead. These outcomes could be directly linked to the curricular activities implemented during the academic term and their learning objectives, considering the current backdrop of the pandemic.


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